When you have issues with the balance and development of your jaw, which can impact your teeth and lead to major complications, you could be in need of treatment. With orthognathic surgery, our team can realign the jaw and improve balance and health. In today’s blog, your Shirley, NY, pediatric dentist and orthodontist talks about jaw surgery.
We Provide Adult Orthodontic Care Too!
A straighter smile free of misalignment could offer better oral health, lowering your risks of tooth decay, gum disease, and even jaw joint disorders like TMD and bruxism. In addition to offering orthodontic care for children and teens, we can also help adults too! In today’s blog, your Shirley, NY, pediatric dentist and orthodontist talks about adult orthodontic care!
Starting Phase Two Orthodontics For Your Kids
When your children complete the first phase of their orthodontic treatment, they will soon start the second. At this stage, the smile’s alignment will be completely corrected. In today’s blog, your Shirley, NY, pediatric dentist and orthodontist talks about the second phase of treatment and the options we offer teens patients.
Starting Phase One Orthodontics For Kids
The onset of misalignment could start as soon as the teeth start erupting, and we can begin to treat the issue for children starting at around age seven. To guide the growth of the smile and limit malocclusion, we could use phase one orthodontics. In today’s blog, your Shirley, NY, pediatric dentist and orthodontist talks about treatment options for kids.
When Invisalign® Can Help Your Smile
In our last blog, we discussed how metal braces can help smiles become even and healthy again. But we also have a cosmetic option, one that is nearly invisible. In today’s blog, your Shirley, NY, pediatric dentist and orthodontist talks about how we offer straighter smiles for our patients using the Invisalign® clear aligner system.
Correcting Poor Alignment With Braces
When you have a smile that is uneven, especially in a severe case, braces could help. We offer them not only for kids and teens, but for adults as well! In today’s blog, your Shirley, NY, pediatric dentist and orthodontist talks about how we correct misalignment with braces, including a cosmetic ceramic option!
Why Misalignment Needs To Be Corrected
When you have uneven smiles, this could mean serious trouble for your oral health. Dental malocclusion, or misalignment, causes trouble for children, teens, and adults alike, and could even cause long-term problems too. In today’s blog, your Shirley, NY, pediatric dentist and orthodontist talks about why misalignment needs to be corrected.
Let’s Look At Our Diagnostic Technology
Whether we’re providing pediatric dental care or orthodontic treatment, we need to examine you or your child’s smile and make a diagnosis with accuracy and precision. To make this possible, our team needs to create digital impressions and x-ray images. In today’s blog, your Shirley, NY, pediatric dentist and orthodontist talks about our diagnostic technology.
Space Maintainers Help Maintain Proper Alignment
What happens when a child loses a baby tooth prematurely? Well, this could lead to a series of complications linked to dental misalignment. To keep smiles even and healthy, then your children may need a space maintainer. In today’s blog, your Shirley, NY, pediatric dentist and orthodontist talks about how we ensure proper alignment.
Crowns Help Smiles Of All Ages
A dental crown is a very strong and durable restoration that we use to help smiles of all ages. Each one is custom-made, and could address minor or severe oral health issues. In today’s blog, your Shirley, NY, pediatric dentist and orthodontist talks about how we help smiles with a lifelike and strong dental crown.
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