Why Is Phase One Treatment Necessary?


Shirley, NY dentist offers phase one treatment before braces

Before your child can begin wearing braces, a pretreatment step known as Phase One will be necessary. This may include the initial consultation, treatments to help guide the growth of the jaw, and discussion of the treatment plan. Your Shirley Orthodontics and Pediatrics in NY offers regular checkups and orthodontic services, so you will not need to be referred elsewhere for their smile alignment service. In today’s blog, we will explore the steps necessary for phase one.


Did Your Little One Lose A Tooth Early? A Space Maintainer Can Help.

Shirley, NY, dentist offers space maintainers for kids

While losing baby teeth is a rite of passage for your child, losing them too early can cause problems. Without intervention, this can lengthen the orthodontic process. Luckily, your team at Shirley Orthodontics and Pediatrics in NY can help if this happens with a space maintainer. This can be used to promote proper growth of the adult teeth when they are ready and prevent misalignment.


Relieving An Infection With A Pulpotomy

Shirley, NY dentist offers pulpotmies to protect tooth

If your child is experiencing a sudden and severe toothache, it could be due to an infection of their tooth. This can happen if a cavity has been left untreated for a long period. While fillings can help treat decay in mild cases, more serious situations such as these may require a pulpotomy. Shirley Orthodontics and Pediatrics in NY are here to explain what this is and when it may be necessary.


Dental Fillings Restore Smiles

Shirley, NY dentist offers fillings for kids

In our last blog, we talked about how fluoride treatments and sealants can add an extra barrier of protection from cavities. However, even with these preventive measures, decay can still occur. When this does happen, it is important to treat it right away to avoid further damage. Your Shirley, NY orthodontics and pediatrics offer composite resin fillings to stop cavities from worsening and protect the tooth. (more…)

Preparing Your Little One For Their First Dental Visit

Shirley, NY dentist offers checkups and orthodntic care

In order to create healthy, lifelong habits for your child, it is important to explain to them why dental care is important. This should start at home with proper preventive care and continue with biannual dentist visits. Around the age of one, you can bring your little one in for their first checkup. By the age of seven, they should see the orthodontist for the first time. To help your young one feel comfortable during these appointments, your Shirley Orthodontics and Pediatrics team in New York is here to explain what to expect during their initial visit.


Do You Need Corrective Jaw Surgery

Shirley, NY ortho offers jaw surgery when necessary When patients are told they need invasive procedures to correct a problem, it can cause worry and anxiety. However, these alterations may be necessary to improve the function and appearance of your smile. Orthognathic surgery is one example of an essential treatment that can realign the jaw and simplify orthodontic treatment. Your team at Shirley Orthodontics and Pediatrics in New York can pair up with a surgeon to complete this procedure.
