It is quite upsetting when your child has a toothache. The extreme pain can bring their day to a complete halt. Concentrating on school or play becomes nearly impossible with the throbbing pain ceasing to end. If this condition lasts more than a day, call your local dentist for an emergency appointment right away. Chronic toothaches are a common symptom of dangerous infections that without treatment, could enter other portions of the body through the bloodstream. This can happen when a tooth injury breaks the protective seal of your child’s enamel. Fortunately, modern dentistry provides techniques for preserving a tooth when it experiences an infection. This can preserve the inner pulp and prevent the need for an untimely extraction. Because your child’s jaw is still forming, we must maintain all of their baby teeth until the natural time for them to fall out arrives. Called pulpotomy, this endodontic therapy removes infected material while resealing the top portion of the tooth.
At your Shirley, NY, pediatric dentist and orthodontist, we are standing by to provide comfort whenever children experience dental pain. That means seeing your little one as soon as we can when you request an emergency visit. After performing your child’s pulpotomy, we will review their oral health to determine areas that could use improvement. By paying close attention to their hygiene, we can help preserve your child’s smile as they grow into adolescence!
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