Shirley, NY dentist offers sealants and flouride to protect against cavities

Your child’s dental health is just as important as your own, maybe even more. We know how difficult it can be to get your little one to take proper care of their smiles. As they learn how to brush and floss, they may miss some areas and end up with cavities. To keep their teeth protected from decay, we offer fluoride and sealants to add an extra layer of defense to your child’s pearly whites. In today’s blog, your Shirley, NY, dentist is here to explain how these treatments can help.

Fluoride Keeps Their Enamel Strong

Aside from at home prevention and twice-yearly checkups, another great way to keep your child’s teeth cavity-free is with fluoride treatments. This mineral is often found in our drinking water, but not in high enough amounts to help on its own. At your little one’s next checkup, you can ask about receiving fluoride treatment. After their cleaning, it will be applied to their pearly whites. This will help remineralize their enamel and protect them from cavities. It’s as simple as that. Make sure that they do not eat or drink anything for at least thirty minutes following the treatment.

Protecting Against Cavities With Sealants

When your child’s permanent set of molars grows, we can apply sealants to protect them from decay. Our molars are mostly used for chewing food, and it can be easy for food particles to stay in that area. This can also be a difficult area for your child to thoroughly clean, which can result in the formation of cavities. To limit the need for restorations down the line, a thin protective layer can be applied to these back teeth. This sealant acts as a barrier between bacteria and the teeth.

When Your Child Has A Cavity

If your little one does have tooth decay, we can help. This is a common problem, especially among young patients. To restore the tooth, we will treat it with a filling. During this process, the damaged part will be removed, the area will be filled, and then the tooth will be polished. Fillings can last for several years and keep the tooth’s function intact. Even though your little one will eventually lose their first set of teeth, it is important to repair them after cavities to have a healthy smile. Ignoring cavities will only allow them to continue to progress, which can lead to bad breath, discomfort, and even tooth loss in severe cases.

Schedule Their Appointment Today

Don’t forget to schedule your little one’s dental checkup and cleaning today. If it has been longer than six months since their last appointment, call us today at Shirley Orthodontics and Pediatrics in New York at 631.399.1600.