Category: Children’s Orthodontics

What Happens During Phase I Treatment?

shirley phase I orthodontics

We offer orthodontic care for kids of all ages, not just teens! Which means your Shirley, NY, pediatric dentist and orthodontist can often start treatment early, for kids as young as age seven. Starting early with a phased approach could help limit how long kids need braces or aligners in the future, and guide the… Read more »

Should Your Child Receive Traditional Braces?

shirley childrens braces

Traditional braces are a method for addressing more severe cases of misalignment, helping kids enjoy straighter smiles and avoiding the poor oral health caused by uneven teeth. In today’s blog, your Shirley, NY, pediatric dentist and orthodontist talks about when kids should receive traditional metal braces, or possibly ceramic ones!

How Soon Does Orthodontic Treatment Begin?

shirley orthodontics for kids

Orthodontic care helps correct the alignment of the teeth to improve oral health and function, and also boosts overall smile beauty. But how soon can we start orthodontic treatment? In today’s blog, your Shirley, NY, dentist talks about how we use orthodontics to start transforming smiles for patients as young as age seven!

Preventing Major Misalignment With Space Maintainers

shirley space maintainer

When your children lose baby teeth early due to tooth decay and infection, this could eventually lead to major misalignment later in life! Which is why we want to use teeth spacers, also known as space maintainers, to help prevent misalignment. In today’s blog, your Shirley, NY, dentist will talk about children’s orthodontic care!

The First Phase Of A Child’s Treatment

shirley phased orthodontics

When children undergo orthodontic treatment, we take a phased approach. The first phase helps limit the severity of misalignment and guide a smile’s growth. In today’s blog, your Shirley, NY, orthodontist and pediatric dentist talks about what to expect from the first phase of your child’s orthodontic treatment.

Correcting Your Child’s Misalignment With Braces

shirley braces

When you have a child with signs of developing misalignment, bring him or her to us for an exam. As young as age seven, we can start treating misalignment with a phased approach, which could include braces. In today’s blog, your Shirley, NY, dentist talks about correcting misalignment with our metal or ceramic braces.

Why Do Kids Need Orthodontic Treatment?

shirley kids orthodonotics

When your child begins to develop crooked, crowded, or overlapping teeth, this could cause trouble in childhood but also poorer oral health in their teen and adult years. Which is why even as young as age seven, your Shirley, NY, pediatric dentist and orthodontist could help correct uneven smiles and prevent the factors behind misalignment… Read more »

Protecting Smiles With Spacer Maintainers

shirley teeth spacers

When a child loses a baby tooth prematurely, this does more than just leave a gap behind. This development could alter the alignment of the smile, and even start complications that could lead to the need for braces. In today’s blog, your Shirley, NY, dentist talks about how we use space maintainers to prevent these… Read more »

Preventing Children’s Cavities With Sealants

shirley dental sealants

We know that kids are prone to tooth decay, which could cause discomfort and eventually lead to dental infection. Fortunately, your Shirley, NY, pediatric dentist and orthodontist can help protect kids from the onset of tooth decay with a preventive treatment known as a dental sealant.

What Happens During Your Child’s First Visit?

Shirley first visit for kids

If you notice your child’s smile is starting to show signs of misalignment, such as crooked, crowded, or overlapping teeth, then consider giving us a call. In today’s blog, your Shirley, NY, pediatric dentist and orthodontist talks about what to expect from your child’s first visit to our office.