Helping Them Learn Healthy Habits

Helping Them Learn Healthy Habits shirley nySometimes, you’ve got to teach them things, and when you fall short, it can hold them back. Your little one was not born with a knowledge of their smile, so as they grow, it’s up to you to make sure that you are helping them learn by giving them the proper training to handle their brushing and flossing. They also need to come in for a cleaning and examination every six months just like you do, and when they miss their appointments, it puts them at real risk of developing some common dental concerns like tooth decay and gingivitis.

When you come see Shirley Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry in Shirley, NY, you have a staff that’s dedicated to your little one’s smile success. From their first visit to the office through to the removal of their wisdom teeth and beyond, we’re here to help young smiles grow into strong, health adult ones, so start your journey with a trusted, local oral health team. If your child has not been in for a cleaning and examination in the last six months, then it’s time to brush up on their oral health skills.

Teach them to care for their smile. Keep them on the right track with consistent checkups.


Teach Them To Care For Their Smile

teach them shirley nyWhen you’re young, it feels like you can do just about anything. Unfortunately, for some kids, it can be tough to understand that our actions have consequences, and when it comes to their oral health, you need to be there to act as a guard. Simply letting them learn their brushing and flossing on their own can lead to disastrous consequences, and they develop their dental habits at an early age, so make sure that they stay on the right track with consistent checkups.

Here at Shirley Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry in Shirley, NY, we understand that your child’s smile is a huge part of who they are; we also know that it takes them a little while to learn how to properly care for it. We’re here for to help our little patients grow into happy and healthy adult smiles, starting with their first visit and through to the development of their wisdom teeth and beyond. So, if it’s been longer than six months since their last dental checkup, take the time to give them an oral health education.

Teach them to care for their needs. Schedule their next cleaning and examination at Shirley!


Discover Their Orthodontic Options

Understandin Their Orthodontic options shirley nyYour child is like you: they depend on their smile to make a great first impression. When their teeth hold them back due to visible misalignment, take the time to talk to your child’s pediatric dentist about whether they’re ready for orthodontics. We can help both them and you to understand their orthodontic options, including nearly invisible Invisalign® clear aligner therapy, which offers a more private way of making progress.

At Shirley Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry in Shirley, NY, we are here to help our patients experience a safer, more beautiful smile. We also understand that their alignment plays a major role in their ability to properly brush and floss, and when teeth start to crowd, it can make routine oral health maintenance tougher than it needs to be. So, if they have started to struggle with their smile, spend a little time with a trusted orthodontic team right here in Long Island. We’re here to help.

Discover the advantages of Invisalign® clear aligner therapy. Call Shirley Orthodontics today!


Experience The Advantages Of Invisalign®

Invisalign® shirley nyA smile tells a real story. Just like you do, your child depends on theirs in order to make a great first impression, and if they are struggling with their alignment, it could make their days at school a little tougher for them. But sometimes people hold off on treatment due to the visibility of traditional braces, and while we understand the hesitation, ask about Invisalign® instead. It might be your child’s pathway to a more attractive, safer smile.

With Shirley Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry in Shirley, NY, you have a dedicated dental team who’s looking out for your little one’s best interests. And we know the value of having a quality smile. That’s why we offer clear aligner therapy from Invisalign®, helping people to reach their smile goals with a little more privacy. If you’re looking for a way to straighten your child’s smile without the intrusion or hassle of traditional braces, ask if this nearly invisible, innovative option is right for them.

Discover an alignment treatment that they can work with. Explore Invisalign® clear aligner therapy with Shirley Orthodontics today.


Keep An Eye On Their Smile

keep an eye on their smileYour little one means the world to you, and they rely on you to stay safe. They do not have the ability to schedule their own dental appointments, so if it has been longer than six months since their last checkup, take the time to bring them in for a cleaning and examination. We can help you to keep an eye on their smile as they grow, so they can develop into a happy and healthy adult smile. That starts with a dedication to their dentistry.

Here at Shirley Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry in Shirley, NY, we work hard to help little ones learn their smiles. Beginning with their first visit, we appreciate the opportunity to be a part of their smile story and teach your little ones how to properly care for their smile, and we stick with them through the development of their wisdom teeth and beyond. If your child is due for some positive prevention, come spend a little time with a trusted, local dental team.

Keep an eye on their oral health development. Keep them on the right schedule of dental checkups.


Reaching Their Straighter Smile

straighter smile shirley nyAs a parent, it’s up to you to make sure that your little one receives the best care possible, and that means keeping them tightly to their timeline of oral health treatment. But sometimes, it can be tough to know when to start their orthodontic journey, and that’s when it helps to know that you trust their dental team. We can help both you and your child to understand their options at every step of the way so they can reach their straighter smile with less hassle.

When you come see Shirley Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry in Shirley, NY, you have a dedicated dental team that’s rooting for their smile success. From their first visit through to the development of their wisdom teeth, they have oral health concerns at every step of the way, and we are here to help them navigate them so that they can reach a happy and healthy adult smile. That starts with keeping them on the right track with consistent checkups, and when it’s time to ask about orthodontics, we’re ready.

Help them see a straighter smile in the mirror. Call Shirley Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry today.


Help Them Reach Their Smile Goals

Reach Their Smile Goals shirley nyWhen you are a parent, then you have real responsibility. That means keeping up with your little one’s appointments with their various healthcare providers, and sticking to their schedule of dental checkups is vital to their lasting smile success. So, while we know that your time is tight, be sure that you are doing all that you can to give them the oral health maintenance foundation that they deserve. Help them reach their smile goals, starting by focusing on their checkups.

Here at Shirley Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry in Shirley, NY, we understand the value that comes with giving your little one a great head start. If they are due for a checkup, bring them in for a cleaning and examination from a trusted Long Island team, and while they’re here, we can make a plan for their prevention moving forward. Most kids need to see their provider once every six months, so if yours has started to fall behind, schedule an appointment for their next checkup.

Reach their smile goals with quality dental care. Call Shirley Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry today.


Are They Due For A Checkup?

due for a checkup? shirley nyYour children mean the world to you, and you do everything you can to keep them safe as they grow. But if you are not keeping them to a strict schedule of dental checkups, then you could be ignoring their needs; most children follow a similar timeline as their parents, with one checkup twice a year. If they have not seen their dentist in the last six months, then they are due for a checkup, and we are here to help.

When you come see Shirley Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry in Shirley, NY, your littles can experience quality oral healthcare from a trusted, local team. We understand that when they are learning their smile, it’s important to keep them on the right timeline of treatment to ensure that they grow into the smile that they deserve. That starts with a dedication to their dentistry, and that means coming for a checkup when the time is right.

Keep your children on a positive prevention schedule. Call Shirley Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry today to plan their next visit.


Reaching Smile Goals With Adult Orthodontics

adult orthodontics shirley nyYour smile is a big part of every first impression that you make. From your first dates with someone new to those all-important job interviews, others notice its quality, and if yours is not where you want it to be, then it is time to talk with an orthodontist about making a change. Reaching a straighter smile is not just for kids and teens, either, so if you’ve been thinking that you have missed your opportunity, ask about adult orthodontics and discover clear aligner therapy from Invisalign®.

With our professional team at Shirley Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry in Shirley, NY, you can take steps to reach your smile goals through effective orthodontics. We offer a range of solutions designed to help you see the smile that you deserve, including clear aligners that keep your process a little more private. So, if you are ready to feel more pride in your smile, ask about whether Invisalign® clear aligner therapy is right for you.

Discover adult orthodontics. Call Shirley Orthodontics today to schedule a time to talk.


A Discreet Orthodontic Option For Your Teen

Shirley, NY, dentist offers Invisalign Having a properly aligned smile can offer several benefits for your self-confidence and your oral health. In most cases, it is recommended to begin orthodontic treatment around the age of seven years old with interceptive care and then braces. However, some treatments may begin later depending on your needs. While braces can be an effective solution for many patients, they may not be ideal for teenage or adult patients. This is why your Shirley, NY, orthodontic and pediatric team offers other options, like Invisalign. In our blog today, we’re here to talk about Invisalign clear aligners for teens.
