Category: Invisalign

Invisalign® Means Clear Smile Correction

shirley invisalign

We want to correct your smile so you can enjoy good oral health and a more attractive smile. But we also want you to feel confident during treatment, which is why we have a cosmetic option. In today’s blog, your Shirley, NY, pediatric dentist and orthodontist offers Invisalign® for clear smile correction.

Clear Misalignment Treatment With Clear Invisalign®

shirley invisalign aligner

When you think about orthodontics, you often picture braces, but what about a series of clear aligners? With the Invisalign® system, our team can offer clear and comfortable smile correction for teens and adults. In today’s blog, your Shirley, NY, pediatric dentist and orthodontist talks about a clear solution with Invisalign®.

Clear Treatment With Invisalign® Aligners

shirley invisalign

When you have a child with misalignment, you likely want to straighten the smile with orthodontic care. We want to help, as we understand what an even smile means for kids and teens, and how this also improves oral health. In today’s blog, your Shirley, NY, pediatric dentist and orthodontist talks about Invisalign®!

Invisalign Means Clear Smile Correction For Teens

shirley Invisalign

In our last blog, we talked about how we correct uneven teeth with braces. But for our older patients, we have a clear and barely noticeable alternatives with Invisalign. In today’s blog, your Shirley, NY, orthodontist and pediatric dentist talks about the benefits of Invisalign for our teen patients.