the chance to soar shirley nyYour child means everything to you, and that’s why you work so hard to give them the life that they deserve. But if you’ve been getting lazy about their routine dental checkups, then you’re not doing all that you can to keep them safe. Children are like you in that they need to see their dentist at least twice a year for cleanings and examinations; when you skip their visits, they become at real risk, so give them a chance to soar with consistent care.

With Shirley Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry in Shirley, NY, you have the opportunity to focus on their oral health. Their appointments are big part of their dental development, so make sure that they stay on the right track. And if it’s time to talk about orthodontics, ask about their next steps. We have a range of orthodontic options to help them achieve a straighter smile, including traditional braces and Invisalign®.

Help them reach smile success. Call Shirley Orthodontics And Pediatric Dentistry today.

When They Fall Behind On Checkups

Listen, we understand that it can be tough to find the time to run all of the errands that you need to do as a parent. But skipping their routine oral healthcare visits should not be something that you put off. While you wait to schedule their next checkup, common dental conditions like tooth decay and periodontal disease can happen just like they do in your own smile. Missing their checkups can allow plaque and tartar to accumulate on the surface of their teeth and along their gumline. These can lead to a need for a dental filling or even an extraction, so it’s important to make sure that they are on the right schedule of prevention. And just because they will inevitably lose their first set of teeth, they still need to learn how to care for them.

If You’re Ready To Opt For Orthodontics

As young smiles develop, it’s sometimes necessary to help them along. Misalignment is one of the most prevalent conditions experienced by children and teens, and this issue can bring both cosmetic and oral health concerns. When it’s time to talk about their orthodontic options, we’re here to help.

We have a range of helpful solutions to straighten their smile, including clear aligner therapy from Invisalign®. With this approach, your teen can simply pop in their clear aligners and start to work on reaching their smile goals. If they’re ready for orthodontic intervention, ask about whether Invisalign® is right for them.

Give Them A Chance To Soar With Shirley

If it’s time for their next checkup, let’s focus on improving their oral health. To find out more or to schedule their next appointment, call Shirley Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry in Shirley, NY at 631.399.1600!