dedication to oral health shirley nyIf your little one has difficulty understanding the importance of taking care of their smile, it’s not their fault. At that age, they simply do not have the capability of comprehending their consequences, and that includes the effects of consistently brushing and flossing their teeth. This means that the responsibility falls to you, and sticking to their schedule of semiannual dental checkups can help them develop a dedication to oral health, through cleanings, exams, and education.

With our helpful and caring team, your Shirley, NY, orthodontic and pediatric office is here to be a resource for your child. They are not born with a knowledge of how to properly maintain their smile, and they rely on you to have what they need. Children also develop their dental habits at a very early age, so skipping their regular dental appointments can have consequences; help them to have the skills to avoid tooth decay and periodontal disease. To find out more about our office, or to schedule their next semiannual dental checkup, give us a call today!

Are They Pushing Back When It Is Time For Them To Brush Their Teeth?

As a parent, you know how tough it can be to get your child to do something that they do not want to do. From cleaning up their mess to making their bed, kids can be surprisingly resilient, and when their minds are made up, it can be a real struggle. But instead of throwing your hands up and allowing them to ignore their smile, make an appointment with your local pediatric dentist and have your child talk with a trusted dental health provider about their needs.

Our office values the opportunity to help little ones to learn the value of routine dental health maintenance, starting with twice-daily brushing. Their dental habits start very early, and by keeping them close to their provider, you can help them to develop a dedication to oral health.

Feeling Fresher And Knowing Their Next Steps After Their Checkup

Visits to the dentist for cleanings and examinations are vital for smile success, and by putting a positive spin on it, you can help them to learn to love taking care of their teeth. Make sure that they go into the experience knowing that their dentist is there to help keep them safe, as this can help them to understand the importance of keeping up with their smile.

Help Them Develop A Dedication To Oral Health In Shirley, NY

If it is time for their next appointment for a semiannual dental checkup, give us a call to learn more about our approach. Call Shirley Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry in Shirley, NY at (631) 399-1600 and help them develop a dedication to oral health!