consistent checkups shirley nyJust like you do, your little one needs to see the dentist from time to time for a periodic dental checkup. These cleanings and examinations are a huge part of their normal oral health development, and unlike yourself, they cannot make their own appointments themselves. They rely on you to be the adult in the situation, and that means keeping them on a strict timeline of visits. Consistent checkups help them to avoid tooth decay and periodontal disease, all while giving them an education on their oral health, so take advantage of the time with a trusted pediatric dentist.

With your dedicated local Shirley, NY pediatric dental and orthodontic team, you can help your child to grow into a happy and healthy smile through a positive schedule of semiannual dental checkups. Like adults, the general recommendation for children is to see the dentist at least twice each year, and that means that if they have not been in for their checkup yet in 2024, it is time to talk to a professional about their next cleaning and examination. To find out more or to schedule their next appointment, give us a call today!

Have They Had A Cleaning And An Examination Yet In 2024?

If you sit down and think about the last time your child saw the dentist for a semiannual checkup, can you remember? If you are struggling, then it is time to call their dental office and check on their schedule. These visits are an important part of their development, and you want to make sure that you are giving them all of the tools that they need to grow into a healthy and happy smile.

Just like with adults, children require an appointment every six months, typically. Some patients may benefit from a more frequent schedule of visits, so always talk to their dentist about their treatment plan. Then stick to their timeline, as consistent checkups help them to avoid tooth decay, periodontal disease, and more.

We Are Here to Help Them Understand Their Oral Health

As children, they do not understand the weight of their actions, and this makes it tough for them to recognize the importance of taking care of their smiles. During their semiannual dental checkups, they can learn a little bit about their oral health, helping them to develop positive habits. If they have been skipping their trips to the dentist, they could also be missing out on a dental education, so make sure that they keep to their schedule.

Learn More About Consistent Checkups In Shirley, NY

Is it time for your child’s next trip to the dentist? To find out more about the advantages of consistent checkups for children, call Shirley Orthodontics and Pediatrics in NY at 631.399.1600 today!