Shirley, NY, dentist offers invisalign, braces, or ceramic braces

If you are an adult going through an alignment service, you may be worried that metal braces could disrupt your appearance or make you look young. Luckily, your Shirley Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry in Shirley, NY, offers several treatment options for you to choose from. These may include traditional metal braces or more discreet methods, depending on your personal needs and preferences. Today, we’ll compare each option to help you make a well-informed decision.

Choosing Between Traditional Or Ceramic Braces

There are several benefits to straightening out your grin. It can help boost your confidence, improve your appearance, and may help the function of your oral cavity. We offer several treatment options because every patient has specific needs that should be met. Whether you are going through care for the first time, or re-correcting an issue, we can help guide you through the process.

There is more than one style of braces that patients may be able to choose from. Traditionally, metal brackets and wire may be used. This option may come to mind when you think of orthodontic treatment. The traditional style also uses colorful bands to hold the wire in place. You can choose from a variety of colors to customize your treatment. We usually recommend this option for younger patients because it is a standard choice and is closely monitored by their orthodontist.

Ceramic braces are a more discreet option. This style uses clear brackets to gradually shift the teeth into place. The ceramic style is typically reserved for teenage or adult patients because you will have to be more cautious with these as they are more fragile. It may take around one to three years to straighten your smile with braces. However, this can vary depending on the severity of your misalignment.

Invisalign As A Low-Profile Alternative

Invisalign is another option available for our patients. This treatment uses clear aligners to shift your teeth in place. While they may look similar, this orthodontic option is not the same as a retainer. Retainers are used after your smile has been evened out to keep the teeth in place. Essix retainers are clear and may be worn at night. Invisalign, on the other hand, is used to adjust your smile. Your trays should be worn for the majority of the day, taking them out only as instructed.

We recommend this for teenage or adult patients looking to correct their alignment. This option has the advantage of discretion, so others will not notice your orthodontic appliance. Many cases of crooked or overcrowded teeth can be solved with this option. Treatment length will be similar to traditional methods.

Talk To Our Team Today

Call Shirley Orthodontics and Pediatrics in Shirley, NY, at 631.399.1600 to learn more about your options. We offer care for patients of all ages.