Shirley, NY ,dentist offers sealants and fluoride treatment

Cavities are a common problem that patients of all ages will face. However, if it seems like your little one is more prone to tooth decay, there are ways to create a stronger barrier against their pearly whites and harmful bacteria. Shirley Orthodontics and Pediatrics in Shirley, NY, offers fluoride treatment and sealants which can help decrease your child’s risk of cavity development.

Taking Preventive Measures Against Tooth Decay

Although cavities are a common problem, they can be prevented with proper care. At home, your little one should be brushing and flossing twice a day. For younger kids, make sure that you are supervising them during this time. It may be difficult for your child to thoroughly clean each area of their mouth. If they struggle with this routine, you can try to play a fun song or try changing toothpaste to make the process more enjoyable for them. Along with this at-home care, your family should also visit the dentist twice a year for a checkup. These visits help detect problems early so that they can be treated before they become too serious. Checkups also include a cleaning, which helps remove plaque buildup from our teeth. These steps can help reduce the chances of tooth decay.

Using Fluoride Treatments

Fluoride is a natural mineral that can help restrengthen your enamel. It can be found in the water we drink, and toothpaste we use, and it can even be applied directly to your pearly whites for an extra layer of protection. After your child’s dental cleaning, the hygienist may ask if you would like to have a fluoride treatment done. With this simple process, the hygienist will apply the mineral directly to your little one’s smile. Make sure that they do not eat or drink for thirty minutes after this to ensure the fluoride sets. This simple step can help remineralize the enamel and protect against cavities. The treatment is safe and can be applied after every six-month checkup if you choose to do so.

Sealants Act As A Barrier

Another method that can be used to protect against cavities are sealants. This is a thin layer of material that can be applied to the surface of the tooth, usually the molars, to act as a barrier between bacteria and the tooth. These are usually applied on the permanent set of molars to reduce the risk of a cavity developing on these back teeth.

If your little one does develop a cavity, there are ways to restore the tooth. Dental fillings can be used to remove the damaged part of the tooth and protect it from further harm. Usually, composite resin will be used during this process as it looks natural and is long-lasting.

Talk To Our Team Today

You can call Shirley Orthodontics and Pediatrics in Shirley, NY, at 631.399.1600 to learn more about these extra protective measures.