Shirley, NY dentist offers orthodontic treatment for kids

Nearly half of all young people in the US will need some form of orthodontic treatment during their life. Going through this process as a pre-teen or teenager has many benefits. They will be able to correct their smile alongside their classmates and aligning the teeth can help with speech and many other problems. At Shirley Orthodontics and Pediatrics in Shirley, New York, we can help your little one every step of the way. In today’s blog, learn how to know when your child should start the orthodontic process.

The First Step

You may be surprised to know that their first orthodontic visit should be around the age of seven years old. This may seem young, but it is the perfect age to check for any jaw misalignment and other concerns. During this first appointment, we will take X-rays as a way to track progress and create their treatment plan.

A main concern during phase one is ensuring that the jaw has enough room to support the teeth that will be growing. If there are any problems, we can use retainers or space maintainers to guide the jaw in place. Addressing these concerns before braces allows for a shorter treatment time and an easier alignment process.

Choosing Braces Or Invisalign

Once your little one has gone through the necessary treatments during phase one, they are ready to move into phase two. This is when they will wear braces to adjust their smile into place. For younger children, braces are usually the best option. Brackets will be bonded to each tooth and held in place with a wire. Later in treatment, rubber bands may be used to correct any bite problems.

Invisalign is an alternative that uses clear retainers to straighten the smile. This is usually recommended only for more mature patients. You will be in charge of wearing your retainers for the majority of the day, taking them out during meals, and changing to the next set on time. If you are interested in this option, you can talk to your orthodontist to see if you are a good candidate.

Orthodontic Options For Adults

If you were unable to straighten your teeth as a child, it is not too late. We also offer adult orthodontics so you can have an even smile, too. If you are looking for a way to discreetly accomplish this, Invisalign may be a good option for you. Depending on the severity of your misalignment, braces may be recommended instead. Luckily, we have ceramic braces which are not as visible as traditional ones. Together with your dentist, you can determine the best option for your needs.

Schedule Their Phase One Consultation Today

Your child will be ready for their first orthodontist appointment around age seven. To book an appointment, call Shirley Orthodontics and Pediatrics in New York at 631-399-1600.