dental checkup shirley nyAs parents, your time is constantly strained. While we certainly understand your struggle, it is still important to keep them up to date with all of their healthcare appointments. This includes bringing them to the dental office for their semiannual dental checkups, and your little one needs them at least twice each year, just like you do. Always stick to the schedule that their dentist gives to you, as some children need a little more care in keeping their smile safe as they grow.

With our team of caring pediatric dentists in Shirley, NY, you can help your child to stay happy and healthy through consistent regular dental appointments. Even while they still have their first set of teeth, their dentistry is important, so do not put these visits off. Their adult teeth rely on the roadmap of their baby teeth, and childhood tooth loss can affect their alignment down the line. Be proactive in your child’s dental care and schedule their next appointment today!

Are You Keeping Up To Date With Their Schedule Of Dental Checkups?

For many, if not most, parents, time management is one of the biggest hurdles in raising a child. With all of the things that they have going on, it may feel easy to let their dental appointments slip by you. They rely on you, however, to keep them safe from harm, and their visits to the dentist are a key part of keeping them safe as they grow into their smile.

Most children require checkups on the same timeline as you do, which is generally every six months. Be sure to talk with their dentist about their particular timeline, however, as some little ones need an accelerated schedule of treatment due to genetics or environmental concerns. Once your dentist gives you a treatment plan for your child, stick to them!

Be A Positive Role Model And Show Them the Benefits Of The Dentist

With consistent regular examinations and cleanings at the dentist, you can work to keep their smile safe as they grow and learn. These appointments are pivotal for a number of reasons, including diagnosing concerns quickly as they start to develop. By sticking to their schedule, you can address any diagnoses in a timely manner.

In addition, there is an educational component to their semiannual dental checkups. If your child has begun to ignore their routine brushing and flossing, bring them in for a visit. We can be an outside authority figure to help them better understand their oral health!

Schedule Their Next Appointment With Our Shirley, NY Team

If it is time for your little one’s next dental checkup, give us a call to set up a time. For more information or to schedule their next appointment, give us a call at Shirley Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry in Shirley, NY at (631) 399-1600.