Category: Pediatric Dentistry

Repairing Severe Tooth Decay With A Pulpotomy

save your child from severe tooth decay with a pulpotomy

When it comes to your child’s oral health, cavities are a major concern. Consistent brushing and flossing can help prevent plaque and buildup from forming. Seeing the dentist biannually for a cleaning and examination can also help keep their smile in good shape. However, if a cavity forms the tooth should be restored as soon… Read more »

Give Your Child A Bright Dental Future

a bright dental future shirley ny

As a parent, you know that your time is at a premium. But that does not mean that you can miss out on their important healthcare appointments, and their dentistry is something that you need to pay attention to as they age. From their very first appointment with the dentist to the development of their… Read more »

Encouraging Stronger Smiles With Fluoride

Toothpaste in the shape of tooth coming out from toothpaste tube. Brushing teeth dental concept. 3d illustration

Your smile is one of your greatest assets, and one that certainly makes you uniquely you. In fact, people can learn a lot about others character or demeanor based from a grin alone. Indeed, many people strive for a bright and symmetrical smile, seeking treatment to help them achieve their goals. However, it is important… Read more »

Preventive Treatment For Your Little One

Preventive treatment shirley ny

Being a parent is one of the most rewarding things that you can do, but it is not without its difficulties. One of the areas where parents can often struggle is in time management. After all, you have your own life to life, and when you add in all of the extra time and appointments… Read more »

Setting Them Up For Dental Success

Dental Success Shirley NY

When you are new to parenting, time management can feel completely overwhelming at first. The good news is that in some ways, this becomes easier over time, but finding the time for those important visits and appointments can always be a struggle. You need to learn how to prioritize, and keeping the most vital of… Read more »

Taking Time For Your Child’s Oral Health

dental checkup shirley ny

As parents, your time is constantly strained. While we certainly understand your struggle, it is still important to keep them up to date with all of their healthcare appointments. This includes bringing them to the dental office for their semiannual dental checkups, and your little one needs them at least twice each year, just like… Read more »

A Treatment For Your Child’s Cavity

Shirley, NY, Tooth Decay

Learning proper oral hygiene habits helps set your child up for a lifetime of healthy smiles. That’s why we suggest bringing your little one to dental checkups on a routine basis. At each visit, we will clean your child’s smile and perform an examination that creates an ongoing dental record. By documenting the appearance of… Read more »

Treating Your Child’s Toothache

Shirley, NY, Toothache

When your little one wakes up with a toothache that will not go away, it can be difficult to offer them relief. As a parent, you never want to see your child hurt, but an aching tooth can rage on for days. By scheduling an appointment with your dentist right away, we can perform an… Read more »

Scheduling Your Child’s Next Dental Visit

Shirley, NY, Pediatric Dentistry

When you make your child’s oral health a priority, you teach them the skills necessary to enjoy a lifetime of beautiful smiles. Sticking to a semiannual checkup and cleaning schedule provides a professional evaluation of your little one’s teeth, gums, and other structures. We create a dental record that can quickly identify when any sudden… Read more »

When Your Child Requires A Dental Filling

Shirley, NY, Dental Filling

Teaching your child healthy oral hygiene habits requires regular trips to the dentist. At your little one’s semiannual visits, we can provide a professional cleaning and examination of their oral structures since their last visit. This meeting provides an opportunity to review their at-home brushing and flossing techniques and answer any questions they have about… Read more »