bring them inSometimes, children can struggle to understand the value of keeping up with their oral health. They need to maintain their smile through positive habits like brushing and flossing, and when they do not, plaque bacteria can start to pile up. If this is left, then it calcifies into a harder substance called tartar, and at that point, they can no longer safely remove it themselves. They need to see the dentist at least twice each year for a dedicated cleaning and examination at their biannual checkup, so bring them in if it is time for their next appointment.

At our orthodontic office in Shirley, NY, we know how important it is to maintain a young smile with healthy prevention. This means sticking to their schedule of cleanings and examinations, and just like you do, most children need these around every six months. If your child has yet to be seen in 2024, then it is time to call our office to talk about their teeth. Being proactive in their prevention can bring real benefits, so schedule their next appointment today!

Are They Fighting Back Against Brushing And Flossing?

Maintaining your child’s oral health can be challenging, especially if you miss their vital biannual dental checkups. These visits are essential for monitoring their dental health and ensuring everything is on track. Like most patients, children need these appointments approximately every six months, and skipping them can hinder their dental progress. During the wait, issues like tooth decay and gingivitis can develop unchecked.

Even though children will eventually lose their baby teeth, it’s important to teach them proper dental care early on. Establishing good dental habits at a young age equips them for a lifetime of healthy smiles. Baby teeth play a crucial role in guiding the development of adult teeth, so losing them prematurely can lead to orthodontic problems later.

Bring Them In For A Cleaning And Examination

One of the tools that you have as a parent to help children learn dedicated oral health techniques is by keeping them close to the dentist. They develop their dental habits at an early age, and when their schedule is off, then it could really hold them back. Like with adult smiles, these visits are their key to positive oral health, and we appreciate the opportunity to be a part of their story. IF you are unsure as to whether or not it is time for their next appointment, give us a call to talk about their smile.

Schedule An Appointment In Shirley, NY

If you are ready to bring them in for a cleaning and examination, call our office to set up a time to talk. To find out more, call us at Shirley Orthodontics and Pediatrics in NY at 631.399.1600!