when children shirley nyYou know that your child will inevitably lose their baby teeth. But what happens if one of them becomes cracked or broken? At our pediatric dental office in Shirley, NY, we see all sorts of dental conditions, including broken baby teeth, and we are here to help.

If your little one has experienced dental damage, then it is time to talk to their oral health team about what’s best for their smile future. Their first set of teeth provides a roadmap for their adult ones, meaning that missing material can lead to the need for orthodontic intervention in the future. To find out more or to schedule their next appointment, call our office today!

Did Your Child’s Tooth Come Out Too Early?

Even though they are supposed to grow out of their first set of teeth, it does not always mean that it happens at the right time. Typically, this occurs around age six, so it is something to keep an eye on as they grow into their smile. Tooth decay or a traumatic injury can cause children to prematurely lose their baby teeth, and when this happens, it can lead to more trouble than you may know. If necessary, our team can help them to carry on until their adult teeth come in through the use of a space maintainer.

If you have any questions about whether their tooth loss is premature, be sure to keep the tooth safe while you speak with your dentist. This means giving it a quick rinse and housing it in a cup of salt water or milk. Never use tap water, as this can prevent possible reattachment.

Restoration When Children Break Their Teeth

Like with premature tooth loss, children can also experience cracked or broken teeth. As in adult smiles, this can lead to serious danger for both their oral and overall health. If they have mentioned that they have chipped or cracked one of their baby teeth, it is still crucial to speak with their pediatric dentist to determine their next steps.

Restoration could include a filling, dental crown, or another procedure to help keep them safe while their adult teeth develop. Dental crowns are sturdy caps, designed to save damaged teeth. These provide a durable new chewing surface, while keeping the damaged tooth in place. A dental crown can help restore the affected tooth, which can work toward a positive alignment.

Find Out More With Our Shirley, NY Team

If your child has injured their smile, talk to our team about their next steps. To learn more about dental options when children prematurely lose or break one of their baby teeth, call Shirley Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry in NY at 631.399.1600 today.