had a checkup shirley nyWe are just about halfway through the year so far, and this means that if your child has not been to the dentist for a semiannual dental checkup, this is a great time to come in and keep the focus on their oral health. Just like you do, your kids need to see the dentist twice each year for a cleaning and examination, and this is your chance to be able to fit in both appointments in 2024. Take the time to make sure that by the time hey head back to school, they have had a checkup.

Their oral health matters, and our Shirley, NY, orthodontic and pediatric office is here for their needs. Even though they will lose their first set of teeth, they play an important role in the development of a healthy adult smile, as they create a roadmap for future teeth. If they prematurely lose one or more of their baby teeth, this could spell a need for orthodontic measures in the future. To find out about the advantages of consistent oral health care for your child, give us a call today and schedule their next semiannual checkup!

Stick To Their Schedule Of Appointments

Your dentist gives you a treatment plan for a reason, and these appointments are pivotal for your health. Just like you do, your child needs to stick to their timeline of important cleanings and examinations, and generally, that means a visit with their provider once every six months. Some patients could benefit from an accelerated schedule of treatment, so ask their dentist about their treatment plan, and then be sure to follow through with their appointments. If they have not had a checkup yet this year, talk to our front desk about their next trip to the dental chair.

They Develop Their Dental Habits Early

The dentist’s office is not just for treatment, it is also a place for positive oral health information. Your little one is not born with the knowledge of how to care for their smile, and frankly, we could all use a refresher on appropriate brushing and flossing techniques. Their dental habits form at a very early age, so holding back on their cleanings and examinations can hold them back into adulthood. If you are unsure as to whether they have had a checkup, call their pediatric dentist and ask about their schedule so that you can be sure.

Haven’t Had A Checkup This Year? Call Us Today!

When your child is due for their next semiannual dental cleaning and examination, talk to our team about their oral health needs. If they have not had a checkup yet this year, call our font desk and make an appointment at Shirley Orthodontics and Pediatrics in NY at 631.399.1600!