Invisalign® shirley nyIf you are struggling with your smile due to misalignment or malocclusion, you are certainly far from alone. These are some of the most common cosmetic dental concerns experienced by patients, and they can really hold you back. You depend on your smile for every new first impression that you make, and so you want to look your best; misalignment can also lead to other oral health conditions, so talk to your provider about your options. With Invisalign®, you have a path forward.

At our helpful pediatric dental and orthodontic office in Shirley, NY, we know how important a quality smile can be, and we want to help you reach your smile goals. For some teens, the idea of bulky braces can be a step too far, and Invisalign® clear aligner therapy helps them to enhance their smile with a little more privacy. To find out more about this innovative approach to orthodontics, give us call today!

Misalignment Can Affect Both Your Appearance And Your Oral Health

When your smile is out of balance, it can really impact your look. People notice the quality of a person’s teeth, and misalignment can drastically alter someone’s appearance. But not only can it become a cosmetic problem, but a misaligned smile can also affect oral health. You need to have the right room to be able to brush and floss your teeth, and in areas where crowding or overlapping occurs, your toothbrush might not be reaching everywhere. Plaque and tartar can start to develop in these spots, causing tooth decay or periodontal disease, so it is important to focus on your alignment.

Clear Aligner Therapy Provides A Discreet Alternative To Braces

Traditional orthodontic approaches like braces can be uncomfortable, and they are also noticeable. Even with clear brackets, these methods might not be the right fit for everyone, so be sure to talk to your orthodontist about all of your options.

With Invisalign® clear aligner therapy, you can improve your alignment without sharing the news with the rest of the world. This technique uses a progressive set of nearly invisible aligner trays to shift the location of teeth along the oral ridge. Be sure to follow your dentist’s rules closely, as consistent use can make a difference in the success of the therapy. Simply wear your aligners throughout the course of the day and start to notice results!

Discover Invisalign® Clear Aligners At Shirley Orthodontics!

If you are holding back on your orthodontic treatment due to the intrusion and hassle of traditional braces, our team is here to help with a simple and convenient approach that helps you improve your smile in private. To find out more about Invisalign® clear aligner therapy, call our office at Shirley Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry in Shirley, NY at (631) 399-1600 today.