It is important to take proper care of your teeth and gums no matter what age you are. This helps keep your smile healthy and ensures it is longevity. While this may seem early, you can begin bringing your child in for checkups as early as one year old. This can help get them familiar with their dentist and routine. Your Shirley, NY, orthodontist, and pediatric team offers early preventive care for your child.
What To Expect From The First Visit
Their first trip to the dentist can set the tone for how your child views checkups. Our team is here to help this visit go smoothly and helps your little one feel comfortable. You can bring your little one in for the first checkup at around one year old. Instead of a cleaning and examination, this initial visit will be used to familiarize your child with the staff. You can ask questions about their oral hygiene and the team may offer tips on making their routine more exciting. Then, regular cleanings and examinations can be scheduled as they reach toddler ages.
Protecting Their Smiles From Decay
Cavities are a very common problem for younger patients. This is due in part to their diets and learning how to properly do their oral hygiene routine. If your little one struggles with brushing and flossing, they may develop cavities more frequently. To help combat this, extra protective measures like fluoride treatments and dental sealants can be used. Fluoride helps restrengthen the enamel against decay, which reduces the chances of a cavity forming. Sealants can create a barrier between your child’s tooth and harmful bacteria. These are often applied once the adult molars have erupted. If your little one does develop a cavity, fillings can be used to restore the tooth. If this is not done promptly, the decay can worsen and a pulpotomy may be required instead.
Getting Started With Orthodontic Treatment
Preventive care can help ensure that their smiles remain healthy. These visits should start during childhood and continue throughout their lives. Our team can also help guide you through the process of orthodontic treatment once your child reaches seven years old. Around this age, most of their primary teeth will have come out to make way for the permanent ones. This is a great time to start phase one treatment, which may include expanders or retainers to help guide the growth of their jaw. Once phase one is completed, the true alignment process can begin. Straightening your teeth offers both visual and functional benefits.
Schedule Their Appointment Today
If your little one has developed their first tooth, it is time to bring them in for their first checkup. You can call Shirley Orthodontics and Pediatrics today at 631.399.1600 to book this appointment.
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