Shirley, NY dentist offers space maintainers Losing baby teeth is a normal part of growing up for your child. However, if this happens too soon, it can cause problems with their alignment. Premature loss can be caused by accidents or health conditions. When this happens, it is essential to have a space maintainer inserted as soon as possible to prevent the other teeth from shifting around. In today’s blog, your Shirley, NY orthodontics and pediatrics is here to explain how this works.

Causes Of Tooth Loss

When your child naturally loses their primary dentition, their permanent ones should grow not too long after this. As mentioned above, a variety of factors could cause you to lose a baby tooth too early. For instance, it could be knocked out in an accident. The force from this trauma could cause severe injury, which may make it necessary to extract it. Or the entire structure could be knocked out as well. While not as common in children, late stages of periodontitis can also cause tooth loss due to the recession of the gums. Other health conditions can also lead to this happening as well. No matter what the reason may be, it’s important to prevent spacing issues promptly.

How A Space Maintainer Works

A space maintainer can be fixed or removable depending on your child’s needs. The purpose of this tool is to keep their existing pearly whites in place so that less orthodontic work will be needed in the future. They will leave enough room for the second set to grow in while also ensuring that the surrounding ones do not crowd it.

Beginning Orthodontic Treatment

Before the alignment process begins, your child may need preliminary treatment. This is also known as phase one treatment. Your kid can visit the orthodontist for the first time around the age of seven. During this initial appointment, a thorough examination will be done to assess the alignment and growth of their pearly whites. If any problems are noticed, necessary prevention can be put in place.

For instance, losing a baby tooth too early may require the use of a space maintainer to keep the others in place. Retainers may also be recommended to help guide the growth of your little one’s jaw. This extra step can shorten the amount of time needed for braces.

When it is time for braces to be placed, you will be able to see an orthodontist in the same office. In most cases, braces are recommended for children instead of Invisalign. The alignment process may take around one to two years. After that, your little one will have a straight, healthy smile.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

If your little one has lost a baby tooth too soon, talk to their dentist about a space maintainer. To schedule an appointment, call Shirley Orthodontics and Pediatrics in Shirley, NY, at 631-399-1600.