shirley orthodontics offers braces for adults, too

If you were unable to have braces as a child, you are not alone.  As an adult, you can still go through the orthodontic process of aligning your teeth. Having a crooked smile can cause lower self-esteem, problems with speech, and other problems. The good news is it is never too late to start the process. At Shirley Orthodontics in New York, we have several ways for you to achieve a straight smile. In today’s blog, we are here to talk about your options.

The Traditional Route

It is estimated that nearly one-quarter of all orthodontic patients are adults. There is no shame in wearing standard braces for your journey. For some people, this may be the best method. You will have wires and brackets placed and come in every few weeks to have them changed or tightened.

We also offer clear ceramic braces. They work the same way metal braces will but are less visible to others. If you are not a good candidate for Invisalign, this is a good option.

Braces are the standard treatment for many people. However, you will have to wear them for several months to a few years, which may not be desirable to all people. There is also the problem of having to give up your favorite foods for the time being. We have an alternative to braces.

An Invisible Option

For patients who are looking for an option that is completely undetectable to others, these clear retainers are a great solution. You will have to have a consultation to see if you are a good candidate for this method. Patients who will not feel comfortable having more self-led orthodontics will not be a good fit for this treatment.

To be a good fit for Invisalign, you must be responsible enough to wear the aligners for up to 22 hours a day. You must take these out when you eat or drink. You must have good oral health and your misalignment cannot be too severe.

If you were a previous patient of Smile Direct Club, you may be familiar with how clear aligners work. Smile Direct Club has left many patients without care or further direction. We may be able to take you as a transfer patient. Schedule a consultation to speak with your dentist.

Keep Your Smile In Place

After you have gone through your treatment, you may need to wear a retainer to keep your teeth in place. We offer several types of retainers depending on your needs. Once you finish your straightening process, you and your dentist can decide what is right for you.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

There is no wrong time to fix your smile. If you are an adult looking to start your orthodontic journey, call Shirley Orthodontics and Pediatrics today at 631-399-1600.