Traditional Braces

Braces are one of the most common orthodontic treatments around. Growing up, having braces seemed like a rite of passage for many of us. They are used to correct one’s bite, and they do a great job. Today, dental technology is constantly advancing, which means that braces are more seamless and comfortable than ever.

Metal Braces

When you envision braces, metal ones are the type that probably come to mind. They are made of high-grade stainless steel, and they utilize metal brackets and archwires to straighten teeth. These braces also require rubber bands, so your child can pick whatever colors suit their moods. This gives a fun flare to their smiles that will ultimately make them less resistant to having to wear braces. Today, they are smaller than ever, so they are more comfortable than they were when we had to wear them.

Ceramic Braces

An alternative to metal braces, ceramic braces are made of clear materials that make them less noticeable. These are the preferred option — as is Invisalign — for teenagers and adults who may have cosmetic concerns about wearing braces. Though they are less visible, they do require more attentive care than traditional braces, as they are larger and more brittle. Because of this, they are more commonly used on upper teeth rather than lower ones.

Contact Us To Learn More About Traditional Braces

If you have any questions about braces or would like to schedule an appointment or consultation please reach out to Shirley Orthodontics & Pediatric Dentistry in Shirley, NY, today. You can call 631-399-1600. We serve all the surrounding areas as well.