Category: Pediatric Dentistry

Helping Them Learn Healthy Habits

Helping Them Learn Healthy Habits shirley ny

Sometimes, you’ve got to teach them things, and when you fall short, it can hold them back. Your little one was not born with a knowledge of their smile, so as they grow, it’s up to you to make sure that you are helping them learn by giving them the proper training to handle their… Read more »

Teach Them To Care For Their Smile

teach them shirley ny

When you’re young, it feels like you can do just about anything. Unfortunately, for some kids, it can be tough to understand that our actions have consequences, and when it comes to their oral health, you need to be there to act as a guard. Simply letting them learn their brushing and flossing on their… Read more »

Keep An Eye On Their Smile

keep an eye on their smile

Your little one means the world to you, and they rely on you to stay safe. They do not have the ability to schedule their own dental appointments, so if it has been longer than six months since their last checkup, take the time to bring them in for a cleaning and examination. We can… Read more »

Are They Due For A Checkup?

due for a checkup? shirley ny

Your children mean the world to you, and you do everything you can to keep them safe as they grow. But if you are not keeping them to a strict schedule of dental checkups, then you could be ignoring their needs; most children follow a similar timeline as their parents, with one checkup twice a… Read more »

Their Smile Takes Dedication

Their Smile Takes Dedication shirley ny

Is your little one up to date with their dental checkups? If you are not sure, then it is time to reach out to a local pediatric dentist to find out. Children often follow a similar schedule of cleanings and examinations as adults, meaning that they need to come in for a visit at least… Read more »

Is It Time For A Checkup?

time for a checkup shirley ny

Your little one depends on you to look out for them, and that means being their advocate when it comes to their health. But sometimes, parents can fall short in caring for their child’s oral health needs, and this happens for a number of reasons. Your hectic schedule might make it tough to find the… Read more »

Keep An Eye On Their Oral Health

Keep An Eye On Their Oral Health shirley ny

While it might not always be the easiest thing to do, you need to make sure that your teenager keeps up with their oral health. This means taking the time to schedule their routine preventive care visits, and when you wait, you really do put them at risk. Just like in your smile, they can… Read more »

Guiding Their Journey To A Happy Smile

guiding their journey

Are you doing all you can to keep your child on the right oral health track? Your little one was not born with the knowledge of how to care for their smile, and that means that it’s up to you. As a parent, it can be tough to handle it all on your own, so… Read more »

Give Them An Oral Health Education

Give Them An Oral Health Education shirley ny

Nobody is born with an innate understanding of how to care for their smile. It takes someone teaching children the basics for them to understand it, and let’s face it: we could all use a refresher from time to time. Their first experiences brushing are important, as they set the stage for their oral health… Read more »

Are They Up To Date?

up to date shirley ny

Your little one depends on you for just about everything. That means that there is a lot of responsibility that falls squarely on your shoulders, including keeping them on the right schedule with their healthcare appointments. From the moment they develop their first teeth, they are at risk of developing the same dental problems that… Read more »