Invisalign® shirley nyA misaligned smile can mean more than just an affected appearance. If there are areas where your child cannot fully brush and floss their teeth, bacterial biofilm can start to accumulate, contributing to common dental conditions like tooth decay and periodontal disease. So, we know that alignment is important for a number of reasons, but what happens when your teen says no? Invisalign® clear aligner therapy might be their solution, providing a more private experience during the orthodontic process.

At our caring Shirley, NY orthodontic and pediatric dental office, we help patients of all ages to improve their smiles, and we are ready to help your teen to improve their appearance and oral health with advanced orthodontics. Our office understands that every patient is different, and that means approaching each case with a tailored approach. For some, clear aligner therapy is the move, and for others, traditional braces with ceramic brackets fit better into a budget. To find out more about your teen’s orthodontic options, call our front desk today!

Alignment Affects Both Appearance And Oral Health

Our smiles depend on balance in order to be effective, and misalignment or malocclusion can make that a little more difficult. They may start to wear down the tops of their teeth in certain places if only certain ones make contact when they chew. Enamel erosion can require significant dental intervention, so it is important to catch it quickly.

Alignment concerns can also become a problem for their routine oral health needs. In areas where their brushing and flossing cannot reach, plaque and tartar accumulation can form. If untreated, this puts them at an increased risk of experiencing tooth decay, periodontal disease, or other dental conditions.

Invisalign® Provides A Private Orthodontic Pathway Forward

If your teen has been pushing back against the idea of traditional braces, ask their provider about whether Invisalign® clear aligner therapy is right for them. This approach uses a slim set of nearly invisible aligners to shift the location of the teeth. As your child reaches closer to their smile goals, they can simply swap out their Invisalign® set for a new one, continuing the process.

Clear aligners are not suitable for every patient, so talk to their orthodontist about the right approach for them. We also offer traditional braces with ceramic brackets, which can help them to have a less visible solution.

Schedule A Time To Talk With Our Shirley, NY Orthodontic Team!

Is it time to talk about your child’s orthodontic needs? To find out more about the advantages of improving their alignment with Invisalign® clear aligner therapy or traditional braces, give us a call. Speak with our team at Shirley Orthodontics and Pediatrics in NY by calling 631.399.1600 today!