Shirley, NY, dentist offers braces, clear aligners, and ceramic braces

Have you been considering starting orthodontic treatment? Straightening your smile has benefits for your appearance and the function of your smile, but it can be overwhelming to decide on the best option for your needs. Your Shirley, NY, orthodontic team is here today to discuss the differences between braces or Invisalign so you can choose the best option for your lifestyle.

Traditional Braces Are A Great Fit For Young Patients

Orthodontic treatment can start as early as seven years old for your child. At this age, you should bring them in for their first consultation so that phase one treatment can begin. Once their jaws are properly developed and phase one treatment is complete, the alignment process can begin. We use traditional metal braces for younger patients because they are an effective way to straighten teeth. This method is completely monitored by the orthodontist and the brackets are highly durable. Your child can customize their braces by choosing their favorite color bands throughout this process. This process can take around one to two years to complete. You will bring your child in every six to eight weeks for adjustments during their treatment.

Ceramic Braces Offer Discretion

Traditional braces are the most common method for straightening your teeth. However, the metal brackets and wires may not be preferable for all patients. For this reason, we also offer ceramic braces that have clear brackets which are less noticeable to others. This may be a preferred option for teenagers and adults straightening their teeth. This alternative option is not as durable as the metal ones, so you will need to be careful when wearing them to not break them. Ceramic braces are not available for younger patients for this reason.

Invisalign May Be A Good Option For Adults

Invisalign uses virtually invisible trays to gradually move your teeth into the correct position. Unlike braces, this method is discreet and may even be more comfortable for some patients. You will need to wear your trays for the majority of the day, including while you sleep. The only time they should be removed is during meals or when brushing your teeth. Invisalign is available for teenage and adult patients with mild misalignment concerns. You will be responsible for wearing your trays correctly and moving on to the next set as instructed. These are not offered for younger patients because it requires more responsibility and may not be able to address all concerns. However, this may be a helpful option for adults because you can correct your smile without others noticing. You can discuss what option may be best for your needs during your consultation.

Questions About Orthodontic Treatment? Talk To Our Team

You can call Shirley Orthodontics and Pediatrics in NY today at 631.399.1600 to get started on your treatment. We offer services for children and adults!