Shirley, NY, dentist offers adult orthodontic treatment

It’s recommended that patients begin the alignment process as early as seven years old. This may seem young, but this allows crooked or overcrowded teeth to be corrected early and minimize problems in the future. If you were unable to have orthodontic treatment when you were younger, it is never too late to begin. Your Shirley, NY, orthodontic team offers alignment options for adults that include traditional braces, clear braces, or Invisalign. Today, we’ll explore these options so you can choose the best one for your needs.

Why Straightening Your Smile Matters

Straightening your teeth has many benefits, ranging from improved function to a better appearance. When you have overlapping dental structures, it can be difficult to brush and floss them properly. This can lead to an increased chance of developing cavities, gingivitis, and other problems. You may be less likely to injure a tooth if they are properly aligned as well. In addition to these oral health benefits, a corrected smile can boost your confidence, leave a good impression on others, and help you appear more professional.

We Offer Invisalign And Clear Braces

We understand that many adult patients want to correct their smile but are hesitant to start treatment because you may not want to wear traditional braces. Invisalign clear aligners and ceramic braces are available for our patients who want a more discreet option. Invisalign uses clear trays to gradually shift your teeth into the correct position. This is a great method for patients whose misalignment is not too severe. Your dentist will examine your smile to ensure this option is suitable for your needs. They will take impressions of your oral cavity to create the trays. You will wear these every day for most of the day, with the exception of removing them for meals and oral hygiene. This process can take around one to two years to complete. Invisalign is often reserved for teens and adults with minimal alignment concerns. If you are experiencing severe overcrowding or other problems, clear braces may be a more effective option. Ceramic braces are transparent and less noticeable than metal ones.

Get A Second Opinion From Our Team

Before starting the alignment process at another practice, you can get a second opinion from our team. One of our orthodontists will perform a comprehensive examination of your smile and give you an estimation of treatment. This can help you feel secure in your treatment before starting. Orthodontic care is an investment of your time and money, so we want you to feel confident in the process.

Schedule An Appointment To Learn More About Your Options

Straightening your smile as an adult can boost your confidence and improve your long-term oral health. To get started on this process, call Shirley Orthodontics and Pediatrics in NY today at 631.399.1600.